
Cosmetic Dental Imaging

The Naples Family Dentist team uses a state-of-the art dental software known as PreVu to simulate a realistic view of what you would look like after dental treatment. PreVu helps you to visualize how your teeth will not only change your smile but also your overall appearance.



See what you would look like after receiving cosmetic dental treatment by our dentist, Dr. Paul Mabe. These services include dental implants, dental veneers, ClearCorrect, orthodontics, teeth whitening, crowns, dentures and tissue recontouring.



Understand each step of the treatment process Dr. Paul Mabe custom designs for you and the treatment needed to achieve the smile of your dreams.



Viewing what life could be like after your smile service will not only excite you but also your friends and family. Share your printed image and discuss the exciting transformation your smile, appearance and life are soon to experience.

You can have the smile you have always dreamed of today! Your journey toward a smile you want to show off starts with seeing your smile PreVu at Naples Family Dentist.

How does PreVu work?

A quick photo of you smiling is taken in office and uploaded to PreVu, and a simulated version of the cosmetic treatment you are looking to have done is printed out before your office visit is completed.

Dr. will work with you to create the personalized treatment plan that can meet your goals and help you achieve a smile makeover that is just right for you! Contact us today at 239-566-7737 to schedule your cosmetic consultation in Naples, Florida. Stop daydreaming and see a simulated version of the results before you get them. Your new smile starts here!